First, it is President's Day. Happy birthday to all our dead Presidents! We celebrated by going to Hains Point in D.C., to visit the soon-to-be-dug-up sculpture, "The Awakening." The piece is moving to Prince George's County soon, and we wanted to go see it one more time before its grand unearthing.
Rory was terrified of the giant's hand, and ran away crying. She was much happier visiting with the ducks on the Potomac, and watching the airplanes taking off and landing at National Airport. Fiona and I enjoyed the sculpture, and loved watched kids slide down the Giant's knee, cling to his fingers, and hang from his toes. It was the perfect day to bid this fantastic sculpture a fond adieu.
Next we headed to the National Zoo. This was Craig's brainchild, and we decided it was high time Miss Rory saw a hippo in the flesh. As important as Big Appa (her stuffed hippo) is in her daily existence, she has never laid eyes on one.
Right before Rory's bath that night, I put her on the potty chair, and she pooped! We made a big deal out of it, gave her a few stickers, and left it where it was so she could keep coming back and checking it out. "I pooped in the toilet!" she kept saying. I took a picture, but won't post it. Promise!
And did I mention that Fiona can now moo and make an elephant noise??
What a day!!
The peanut gallery demands a podcast with elephant-noises.
Don't make me start 'the wave'.
I got to hains point to celebrate the day with my family as well
fantastic day
until the rain
luckily we were already in the car before the clouds unleashed their furry
at times it takes the removal to really heighten our appreciation
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